Important: Regarding Comment Spam

Click the read more link to see the full message. Here is a summary of the message:

  • I cannot tell what is a spam comment or not, so I am sorry if I deleted yours by accident.
  • Give me hints/make it obvious when you comment, so I know it isn’t spam.
  • I’ll be picky with links if you post any. I will most likely delete them.
  • Do NOT use a link as username.
  • Do NOT click links not provided by me. If you do, I am not held liable if it is a virus link.

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My goodness… This blog… I feel like it’s turning more into a diary the more I write. o_o ;;;

Sorry about this, but if it really turns into a diary then… Well… Then it happens, I guess. I did say it is kind of like a diary in my about page a few months back.

5 Year Goal Update

I honestly don’t remember writing that post:

What’s funny is, it seems parts of it have not changed. I stopped learning Japanese for a while, and just last year, I picked it up again. Also, the topic of wanting to go to Japan… well, that feeling has not changed. I hope to get there one day! Next, the topic of losing weight… Well, I have been since last year and still plan to continue to watch my health.

Although I don’t remember that post, my goals are still pretty much the same as 5 years ago.

There’s still a few months before that deadline, but I don’t plan to change what I am doing already~

On Hiatus

I noticed that there are some comments to my posts lately. I apologize for the slow response. I haven’t been in the mood for writing, so I’ve been on hiatus. I don’t really check this site too often, so I rely on the notifications I get from WordPress in order to know when I receive a comment. WordPress haven’t been notifying me lately, so I didn’t realize I received comments.

You’re welcome to continue to post comments on this site. However, I’ll still be on hiatus, but I’ll respond whenever I get a chance. I can’t guarantee that I’ll be responding quickly, though.

Thank you for reading my posts and taking an interest in commenting! ^^ Take care!

5 Year Goal For Myself

Meant to do this months ago… Time flies!

I want to set a 5 year goal for myself. I know realistically it is hard to change immediately, and even harder to keep certain changes… that’s why I want to change gradually rather than instantly.

I was inspired by a voice actor who was able to lose weight for his album. It reminded me of all the things I told myself. I used to just watch people lose weight, but don’t do anything for my health. I used to say certain clothes look ugly on me, no matter how pretty it is, or I can never look a certain way because of my weight. It isn’t true. It’s because I haven’t bothered to put effort.

Well, now I am well over my borderline overweight and I feel it is affecting my health and I still haven’t done anything to change. I think it is about time I put effort to change, and maybe even hit some goals I had before!

Besides physical health, I hope it helps mentally as well by giving me confidence, knowing I succeeded and CAN be who I didn’t think I could be.

Other than my health, I noticed I keep thinking “I wish.” One of the recurring “I wish” is… “I wish to visit Japan.” Well, now that I have a job (for at least 3 years anyways…), I should save up money and make that wish come true! I am also practicing a little bit of Japanese here and there. I hope I learn enough by the time I get there!

I had another thing that I wanted to include in this package of to-do’s. Instead of keeping it, I shall modify it. The original idea was to do something I never did before and increase the quantity each year. For instance, I do one thing in first year, two things in second year, etc. Instead of doing something I never did, I want to change it to something I rarely do. This gives room for me to do something I like, but don’t have time for (or feel too lazy to do).

A part of me felt a bit lost when I didn’t have goals to aim for. This helps me stay motivated and have something to look forward to while keeping my health and interest in mind.

  • Lose weight to reach healthy weight.
  • Study Japanese and save money for Japan
  • Do something I rarely do each year, incrementing it by 1 each year (i.e. 1st year 1 time, 2nd year 2 times, etc.)

Aites, let’s hope I fulfill this in 5 years!!!!!!!!

Start: 8/20/2019

End: 8/20/2024

I finally got the job I wanted 2 years ago, but it hasn’t sunk in yet. 2 years ago when I thought I got the job (but was mistaken), I was overjoyed. Now I feel a bit happy, but also disbelief/denial. “Am I really working towards my goal? Is this real?” It’ll probably sink in eventually, but until then…

It doesn’t stop here either… This job is a stepping stone for the job I really want, so I need to try my best to promote.

Mystic Messenger – Popularity Poll 2018

The results are out! A while ago, Cheritz asked us to vote for our favorite character. It was to celebrate the launch of Spanish service for this game. The results came out on 11/12/18 and…


3rd Place – Zen

2nd Place – Ray

1st Place – 707


I want to frame the picture up or something. Someone in the Tumblr comments mentioned that the 707 picture was newly edited. I thought I saw that picture somewhere before, so I did a search and couldn’t find it. I only found a slight smile version. His smile here is so adorable, dawww~ ❤ It looks like he wants to hold in his smile, but failed. :’D Ray is so adorable as well! AND ZEN! OMG ZEN! YOU MADE IT! I was legitimately shocked when I saw Zen place as 3rd. I thought it would be Jumin.

Before the results were announced, I thought that 707 might not keep his 1st place. I thought Ray would be 1st because of his route and there really are a lot of fans who like him. I also thought Jumin would be either 2nd or 3rd. Jumin did get popular enough to have a body pillow made the first time around. I didn’t expect Zen to top Jumin’s votes. I thought Zen’s body pillow was made because he probably ranked next highest after Jumin or it fit the theme or something.

Now I am reallllllly curious as to the actual stats for this popularity poll. I want to know how many votes each character got. :O Maybe they were a close tie, maybe they weren’t. I am sooooo curious! >_<

Mystic Messenger – Ending Achievement Progress Update

Okay, so I wanted to finish all of Yoosung’s endings before moving onto the next route. However… I accidentally deleted the save file that would help me get the Bad Relationship Ending 2. My current save file won’t work even if I ignored all the chatrooms from 2nd branch onward. (I already tried. 😦 ) It seems my participation was already too high. Oops. Since I already have enough of Yoosung’s route for now… I will have to leave it at 6/7 endings for Yoosung for now. :’D

Yup, the curse of 6/7 endings is back! It seems I keep getting stuck/giving up at 6/7 endings for each route, roflmao.

Now I am working on Jumin’s route. First stop is Bad Ending 1.