After Exam Treats

Treating myself after taking the exam~ This is Raspberry Chocolate Mousse from 85°C! I bought it on my way to work.

I only recently found out there is a 85°C that is located on my way to the office. If I knew sooner, I would have stopped by more often! I’m so glad that they open their store early in the morning, too. I can buy tea instead of coffee now~

Instead of tea, I bought coffee today. They had a buy one get the 2nd half off until the end of this month. My co-workers told me their coffee is good. I didn’t get to try it until today because I’ve been studying. Coffee sometimes make me sleepy, so I didn’t dare try it during the weeks I was studying. Now it is almost March, so I must try it while the deal is still here! (I actually want tea today to go with the cake… : x Oh well…)
I tried both the coffee and cake. The coffee is actually to my liking! Mmm~ I didn’t need to add sugar because it was already sweet. I have a sweet tooth, so this means it is quite sweet.

The mousse was delicious! I really enjoyed it except for the raspberry part. This is just me though, because I don’t usually like raspberry anyway. It’s not bad~ I got this one because they didn’t have other types of chocolate mousse at the time~

I feel that the location is actually bad for me, now that I think about it. How do I resist the urge to shop there when it is so convenient. :’D